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As of last week I am no longer going to Guatemala. Instead, my team and I will be going to Costa Rica!! Though I was slightly disappointed in this change I realized that wherever I end up traveling to is going to be amazing and exactly what God has planned. This route switch is thanks to the ever-changing covid complications associated with travel. Also, thanks to covid we are no longer going to Panama either. My three months will be split starting in Costa Rica and ending in Nicaragua, Lord willing! 

Now for a quick life update! 

I just celebrated my 18th birthday! My family and friends threw me a big surprise party in a local airplane hangar. It was the most amazing and memorable night! I am so thankful for the party which allowed me to see so many people who I wouldn’t have been able to see before I embark on this journey. I plan to leave for training camp in Georgia on the 20th. Less than a week away! Please lift up my team and I in prayer that we would stay healthy while traveling and that we would all have unity in Him.

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!! 

Much love, 

Lucy :))) 

2 responses to “Route Change!!”

  1. Lucy, you have such a giving spirit, where ever you are sent, you will do amazing things! Keep looking to God, as you are one of HIS children and giving this way is so wonderful! Be safe & know we are praying for you! Love in Christ! Lori

  2. Lucy I’ve been praying for this whole experience. It’s great to get your updates. Costa Rica will be amazing. You’re in my prayers each day!