
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Last Friday we did a different type of ministry. It’s called ATL, Ask the Lord, which is where our teams seek out the Lord for direction in what type of ministry to do for the day. This was the first time our team had done anything like this and our team leaders were taking a much-deserved rest day; so, we were on our own. 

After taking time to seek out the Lord in prayer we met in teams and decided to do a prayer walk through the community. We started to walk down a street we often walk down to get ice cream and snacks at a local shop. Just past the little shop, we met a woman cleaning up yard waste. After making some small talk, Oliva introduced us to her husband and youngest daughter. 

We prayed for her family and that her children would find work soon. They were so kind and welcomed us into their home – sharing the beautiful space they had worked so hard to build over the past 14 years. Their yard was full of lush tropical plants with a cute treehouse suite at the back of their property. 

They took the time to cut down coconuts and share their homegrown fruit with us while we got to know them better. Orlando, Oliva’s husband, has been a police officer for the past 20 years and works in Nicoya. Their youngest daughter is a student at a local university and is studying English and administration. Though they don’t go to the church we are staying at they explained that they go to another church in the city. 

Through our conversation, we learned that Orlando’s dad and mother lived across the street and could use prayer for their health. So after a sweet and fruitful time, we headed over to his parent’s house. When we got to his parent’s house his father immediately started serving us oranges he was peeling. 

After sharing more fruit and praying for Orlando’s parents, Jesus and Ninet, we headed back to the church for lunch with fresh oranges, coconuts, and hearts full from this fruitful time. 

Even though we didn’t have a plan it was so awesome to see how the Lord opened the door for us to stretch our faith in Him and reap the spiritual fruit of our experiences as well as actual fruit! 

Just this past week we have been able to continue to build that relationship by helping Orlando’s family with yard work and painting their treehouse! 

Here are some pictures! 


One response to “A Fruitful Time”

  1. Luciaaa I love this!!
    when we step out in obedience and are available for God to use, He comes through! and gives us sweet opportunities to show His love.
    SO proud of you!! You are His hands and feet, you carry His kindness everywhere you go. Praying this tiny experience encourages you to have an ATL lifestyle!!
    Te quiero Luciaa